Russ and I went for a Nuchal Translucency test a few weeks ago. My doctor's office recommends this test which involves a Level 2 ultrasound to prescreen you and your chances of having a baby with Downs Syndrome or other congential defects. All of our test can back great and I presented with the lowest risk possible for any defects. Russ and I were very excited and got the best pictures from it!
Eventhough it was a little too early, the ultrasound tech made a guess that we are having a girl! Russ and I were estatic! She (hopefully!) was squirming around and was very active. I can already tell that she is going to take after Russ! :)
Awesome news from the ultra sound! Congrats on the "almost" baby girl :) Can't wait to know for sure what y'all are having!